Accessing the Proposal
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Proposal Content Overview
Here’s a breakdown of the proposal structure and what each page contains:
Table of Contents & User Note Page:
Highlights the benefits of solar energy, such as reduced environmental impact and lower energy bills.
Our Team Page:
Displays team member details, which can be edited in the Organization Settings tab.
About Arka Energy Page:
Shares details about Arka Energy and its flagship product, the Power Gazebo.
Power Gazebo Value Proposition:
Lists key benefits such as aesthetics, energy savings, safety, weather resistance, and federal ITC.
Solar Value Proposition Page:
Outlines environmental benefits, including CO2 offset, trees saved, and coal burn avoided.
System Layout Page:
Features a QR code and a View 3D Model button to explore a 3D visualization of the system installation.
System Details Page:
Provides technical specifications, including module and inverter models, structure details, and other system features.
Estimated Production & Savings Graph:
Visualizes energy production and cost savings.
Field Segments Page:
Details orientation, tilt, azimuth, and monthly solar excess percentages.
Installation Road Map:
Outlines the process, including design review, agreement authorization, system design, approval, installation, and utility inspections.
FAQ Section:
Displays FAQs, which can be edited or deleted via the Organization Settings tab.
Additional Information Page:
Includes disclaimers on estimated savings, utility rates, and system efficiency factors.
Power Gazebo Datasheet:
Highlights selected specifications such as dimensions, PV capacity, structural details, and software features.
Modifying the Proposal
Select or Unselect Pages:
Toggles for Modification:
Shade Report Toggle: Add shading calculations to the proposal.
Proposal Without Financials Toggle: Remove financial data from the proposal.
Language Options:
Sharing the Proposal
This concludes the walkthrough of the Power Gazebo proposal. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for using Arka 360!